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Today in this infographic we are presenting the 7 most popular free zones in the UAE. This will give you an idea of activities allowed in each free zone to help you decide the most suitable free zone option for your business. This infographic is presented to you by UAE Consultants, a Business setup consultancy in DMCC Dubai
If you plan to set up a new company that will be involved in providing consultancy services, trading or even in providing event or music services, you might want to consider UAQ free trade zone. They tend to offer affordable solutions and allow a wide range of business activities to be performed. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us, should you have further questions in regard to setting up a company in this particular free zone.
The process of company incorporation can be quite tedious if one is not entirely sure of what should be done. DMCC not only offers specialized assistance that can be obtained at any point (over the phone), but also offers the opportunity to network with other DMCC members to help your business grow. They also allow a large number of business activities. So, if your company will be providing marketing services, providing support services or perhaps will be involved in the engineering or healthcare fields, you should consider setting it up in DMCC. You are always welcome to reach us anytime should you want more information about what DMCC has to offer.
JAFZA offers a wide range of tax advantages, as well as the potential of improvements in tax efficiency. Therefore, if your company will be involved in agricultural, trading or readymade garments activities, JAFZA might a very suitable choice for you. If interested in incorporating a company on this free zone, feel free to contact us and we will gladly guide you through the whole process.
The AFZA free zone offers outstanding investment opportunities to both UAE nationals and foreigner investors. They count with progressive infrastructure, as well as top-of-the-line facilities. The allowed business activities on this free zone range from IT, law firm and tourism services. You are always welcome to contact our team, so we can help you decide what will be the most suitable option for your business.
RAKEZ offers a variety of benefits for setting up companies, they offer flexi-desk facilities at a very low cost, as well as 100% exemption from corporate and personal income tax. Some of the activities allowed here are advertising, supermarket and transport, shipping and storage services. Kindly contact Business Boutique DMCC for more information about the company setup process in RAKEZ.
If you want to establish your company in Fujairah creative city you should know that they welcome businesses on a wide array of creative fields. Therefore, if your company is interested in performing any audio & visual, film, production & post-production services; you might want to consider this free zone for company incorporation. If you wan to find out more about what Fujairah Creative City offers to its member feel free to get in touch with our team.
Dubai south is located at the heart of Dubai that offers easy trade and transport services. So, if your business will be involved in providing one of those services you should check out Dubai South as it offers great benefits for its members. Do not hesitate to reach us anytime if you require further information about Dubai South.
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